Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Hike Forms

A parent asked a great question on open house night. They asked, "How do I get my child to talk about their day?".  Here are a few probing questions:

What did you do in reader's workshop? What games did you play in math? Who did you play with at recess? What are you writing about in writer's workshop? 

Below are some pictures of letter exploration today. 

You my have heard the reading fairy came to our school over the weekend to celebrate our amazing reading skills.  She brought us each a book buddy.  These buddies are excellent listeners as we practice our story telling.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

September 17

We have had another great week in Kindergarten! Thank you for coming to our Open House last night! It was great seeing so many children leading their families to different parts of the classroom to share their expertise! 

The kids have earned another PBiS celebration!  So to acknowledge their success in doing what is expected, we had a Popsicle party! Keep up the great work kids!

During math this week we are focusing on number writing and starting our investigation of teen numbers.  We have played a few math games and will continue to count! 

Here are some pictures from today........

Friday, September 11, 2015

Kindergarten Soccer

Kindergarten soccer starts tomorrow. It's ok if you haven't signed up yet, you can do it there.  Just show up at the soccer field at 9am on Saturday.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Yesterday the students filled their PBiS buckets so they earned a celebration! They got to play with a tub full of dinosaurs, a bunch of matchbox cars, and we opened the kitchen play area.  When we notice whole body listening, a chip gets added to the bucket and once the bucket is full, celebrations happen! I wonder when our next one will be? 

Please remember to turn in hike forms if you have not done so yet! Thank you! 

Thursday, September 3, 2015

September 4th

Happy Thursday! We are trying a new dismissal plan.  We will all gather in the gym at the end of the day (at 3:30).  If you are picking your child up, please meet us in there.

We launched our reader's workshop this week.  Yesterday we began "private" reading and today we started partner reading.  The children are do excited to share their favorite books with a friend!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

September 1st

What an exciting first three days of kindergarten! We are learning routines, exploring math materials and discovering that we are readers already!! Please remember that Wednesdays are early dismissal.  Busses leave at 3:00.  Our class has already earned a celebration for expected behavior in the classroom.  Go Team!!