Monday, December 7, 2015

Gingerbread Man Escape

You may have heard that we baked a gingerbread man on Friday.  Unfortunately when we went to pick him up from the oven, he was gone! After a lengthy search through the school, we found him in Mrs. Lyford's office.  

Friday, November 20, 2015

Continued November 20th

Crafty turkeys to be on the look out for! Soooo much fun this afternoon! Happy weekend! Lisa

November 20

Hello! We have had a great week of learning and fun here in the kindergarten class! The kids are becoming amazing writers by including a beginning, middle, and ending for their true stories! They are working on turn around facts in math and snap words in literacy! The kids are making some fun turkey crafts today.  Please be on the look out for them! They will add some cuteness to your home decor! 
Beth will be back on Monday! We are so excited to see her! I will be out on Monday because I am going to a Handwriting Without Tears conference which I am very excited about! On Tuesday the 24th we have ECO! This is a very special ECO because we will be cooking a thanksgiving snack, and celebrate our outdoor surroundings! Please return the ECO form by Monday.  I am including a picture of it so you can read it if your copy didn't make it home! Enjoy the weekend! Love theses kids! Lisa

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

November 10

Today was a beautiful day in the forest! ECO was awesome! The kids worked so hard! I am amazed at how well they worked together to accomplish so much! They created a trail from the fire pit to the outdoor classroom, they built an awesome shelter that holds 4 people, they raked leaves and they collected kindling for our fires!  Thank you to all who helped make this morning so special and productive! 

Here are some pictures of shelter making....

Teamwork at its best! Making a trail ........

Just simply sweet.........

Thursday, November 5, 2015

November 5 Happy 50th day of school!

Today was the 50th day of school! Wow! We celebrated by making 5 groups of 10 objects first inside the classroom and then outside on the basketball court.  They had a special snack to also celebrate this milestone! Beth and I are so proud of these kids.  They continue to amaze us each day.  Here are some pictures of our making 50 activities......

We have ECO next Tuesday the 10th.  Please make sure your child is prepared to be outside all morning, no matter what the weather may bring! 

We are looking forward to meeting with you during parent conferences!  We are so happy to be working with your children this year.  They are an awesome bunch! Take care, Lisa & Beth

Thursday, October 29, 2015

October 29

I want to start by saying thank you to all the volunteers who helped out at ECO on Tuesday! We had a great time carving pumpkins to make into mouse houses, making pumpkin soup in the outdoor kitchen and playing toss the ring around a pumpkin game.  It was a gorgeous day in the forest! 

Thank you families for bringing in so many pumpkins! It truly was an awesome day! 

We also finished our first writing unit of the year! To celebrate this accomplishment we paraded through classrooms.  Each child held up their favorite piece of writing and walked so proud holding it high above their heads!  They were able to share their stories with several different classes.  Once back in the room, we cheered to great writing with cider and cookies.  

Thursday, October 22, 2015

October 22

Hello! We have been so busy in kindergarten!  During math the students have been using rods and counters to compose and decompose the number 5.  They have built upon that skill and started writing equations that equal 5.  This is very exciting! They are learning so much! I am very proud of them! 

We have ECO next Tuesday from9:00-11:30.  We are planning a pumpkin festival in the forest.  We need your help! Each child will need a small pumpkin for making Mouse houses and then we need about 10 larger pumpkins for some other activities.  Let us know if you can bring in a pumpkin or two! Thank you! 

Monday, October 12, 2015

Fine motor practice

October 12

Hi! Hope you all are enjoying the amazing fall weather! We want to remind you that our first ECO is on Wednesday, October 14th.  We will be in our outdoor classroom all morning.  Please make sure your child is dressed in appropriate clothing and shoes.  Check the weather, dressing in layers is always a good thing to do this time of year.  Also please make sure to send in a snack and water bottle.  We are looking forward to a great start with this awesome program! Thank you for your support.  If you are planning on volunteering for this session, please be in our room by 9:00.  Lisa & Beth

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Hike Forms

A parent asked a great question on open house night. They asked, "How do I get my child to talk about their day?".  Here are a few probing questions:

What did you do in reader's workshop? What games did you play in math? Who did you play with at recess? What are you writing about in writer's workshop? 

Below are some pictures of letter exploration today. 

You my have heard the reading fairy came to our school over the weekend to celebrate our amazing reading skills.  She brought us each a book buddy.  These buddies are excellent listeners as we practice our story telling.